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“Discovering new perspectives”

The 2018 Stockholm Regional Session of EYP Sweden will focus on discovering and exploring new perspectives. It will emphasise discussing overlooked issues, looking at issues from a new perspective, and innovative solutions.


The 21st century is often known as the information area. We have access to more information than ever. This means that it has also become more difficult than ever to ascertain what information is important and what issues are worth fighting for. Sometimes worthy issues are overlooked and simply left unsolved. This session will take a look at issues that may not be as well known, but are no less worthy. To this end, participants will be tasked with discussing important challenges that neither they nor the general public may know much about.


Europe is facing many challenges now, both old and new. Some of these can feel insurmountable and unsolvable. To tackle these issues, sometimes a new perspective is needed, a new way of looking at the issue to break through the taboos and hurdles that have kept these issues. Participants will be encouraged to look at stakeholders and solutions that have been overlooked and ignored before and see what they can add to solving these challenges.


Participants will be challenged with looking at overlooked issues from new perspectives, but will in the end also have to come up with ways to overcome these challenges. They will be encouraged to try and tackle the challenges they face by being bold and try things that have not been done before. Sometimes, what an old problem needs is a new solution.

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